Twins win the first of three in Cleveland tonight by a score of 5-1. Win to Blackburn, who was brilliant. Loss to Carmona. The Big Canadian clobbered another one tonight which makes four on the year (through 17 games, he's on pace to hit 38 this year). Morales continues to do a serviceable job filling in on Redmond's off days while Baby Jesus is on the DL, but Young still looks hopelessly lost at the plate... oh, and on the field. If he doesn't stop swinging at every first piece of junk pitch that every schmo pitcher offers, I'm gonna lose it.

While I've missed baseball this week (off days and rainouts) and it is nice to have it back, I've been getting tons of work done on music. I've been doing tempo correction in Ableton 8 as well as getting my legs back under me doing preliminary mixes in Acid 7. I continue to listen to a new album everyday in addition to about 45 minutes of guitar playing and an hour of drums each day. On guitar I play whatever I feel like, but drum exercises are split three ways; random warmup and sticking routines, playing along to whatever I'm listening to at the moment, and out of perhaps the finest drum practice book ever written, George L. Stone's
Stick Control for the Snare Drummer. I did a bit of everything tonight from the kitchen while tonight's game was being televised and a Westerly wind was bringing in a cold front. Today was a beautiful day in Minneapolis.
Today's Music: Asleep in the Aisle by Asher Roth.