The boys had a good night in Chicago tonight winning their first road game, and the first of 18 against the White Sox, by a score of 12-5. Dickey got the win, Contreras was stuck with the loss, the Big Canadian Kid tallied his second dinger of the year, and this kid Carrasco looked like he should be playing in the Peduka Town Ball League. It was windy and cold, which affected play a bit throughout the course of the night, but a win is a win, and I'll take it anyway I can against the Chicago White Sox.

I watched the game on television with my neice tonight while working on the album. It's coming along nicely. I finished dumping the raw .wav files onto my external hard drive after dinner and spent the evening watching the ballgame and recording random guitar and bass parts. This is likely how I'll spend my days for the next week or so until i return the board to the studio proper, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Today's Music: "Hey Chicago" by Low