Our Twins won the second game of a three-game set in Cleveland Tonight by a final score of 7-1. Win to Slowey (8+inn, 1ER, 7K). Loss to Pavano. 2 Homers to Kubel who continues on his tear. Amazingly, though, Gardy continues to pencil Young into the starting lineup even though his poor at-bats, confusing feilding routes, and tonight, bad baserunning mistakes continue to cost our Twins runs in nearly every game. He is a liability and needs to change or leave.

Today I watched the game while working from our rehearsal space/recording studio. We had a number of odds and ends to clean up before prepping for vocal tracks, so I took care of those and caught little bits of the game in between. After the last out was recorded I took a little post-sunset walk down to the lake and took this picture. All you can see is the lights on the other side of the lake, but not to worry, many more lake pictures to come throughout the summer.
Today's Music:
Red Pens EP by Red Pens