He's a talented guy, got a live arm, but threw nothing but fastballs all inning long. I'd like to think that if the heart of our lineup could've laid off a few they'd put him in a bad spot, but Morrow's got plenty of talent and showed his promising future this afternoon.
On another note, weekday games are still not being televised here (God knows why, probably a money thing), so I got to return to hearing John Gordon and Dan Gladden call the game on the radio for my daily fix. I still have a fond place in my heart for them both, but fortunately the organization is continuing the 'Squeezeplay' condensed games the same evening as untelevised games. It'll air at 7pm CDT on FSNorth and will feature video of all the hits and outs of the game with John and Dan's play-by-play in a 30-minute slot. It's a really great deal and I'd encourage you to watch along with me.
Anyhow, back to working on music, which I'll be doing until around 4am again.
Today's Music: "Fat Bottomed Girls" by Queen